WHY lens.vision??? When you think about a trusted website for your glasses, you are in right place, we have 99% satisfied customers from first trial. Now we are online. here as a Qualified OPTOMETRIST i know your requirement very well. what is special here than other website???? why you choose lens.vision only ??? see 90% […]
lens.vision every frame have dimension Example- Dimension of the frame: · Total width- 133 · Lens width 55 · Lens height- 38 · Bridge- 18 · Temple length- 140 · color two · material metal Eye Size (Lens Width) is the horizontal with of the frame’s lens in millimeters. Usually, the eye size ranges from 40 […]
Tips for Successful Wear of Soft Contact Lenses
In order to help maximum lens wearing comfort, consider these important tips for successful lens wear and care. These tips will help guide you, but always follow the advice of your eye care professional. Do Always wash your hands with a mild soap and dry them with a lint-free towel before touching your lenses. Always […]
Very Important tips for Contact Lens users.
While contact lenses are safely used by millions of people every day, they do carry a risk of eye infection. Factors contributing to infection can include: Use of extended-wear lenses; Reduced tear exchange under the lens; Environmental factors; Poor hygiene. The single best way to avoid eye infections is to follow proper lens care guidelines […]
Eye Care Tips for Spectacles users.
Wear your glasses round the clock: Some people are careless about wearing spectacles either, usually because they think it doesn’t suit their face or is unfashionable, or they are afraid of people teasing them, or their spectacles are uncomfortable, or they just off by it. However, such carelessness can weaken the eyes further. While awake, […]